
Monday, May 30, 2011


well actually baru-baru ni on friend post bout this boy group from malaysia yg konon-konon nk tiru k-pop punya style! walawehhhhh korang tak de identiti ke hapaaa?? my god! tolonglah dont be plastic man~~ proud to be malaysian plisss! okeahh aq mengaku yg aq mmg addicted sngt dgn music k-pop and its not only me kt malaysia nieh yg minat,bole kata brjuta-juta takpun brbilion orng all over the world yg minat music peopel yg x minat mesty akan wondering apa yg best sngt bout it right?? well slh satu faktor nya sbb music dowunk so freshh,cool and group dowunk so hottttt....of course the boy group..and their dancing is superb!!! sooo...dh tau mcm tu,perlu ke artis kita nk tiru dowunk...we have our own style xpyhla nk copycat orng sngt wehhhh...sakai nk mampus...yang paling memalukan psl ni ialahh dowunk punya dancing and suara hancusss habis kowt...pfffttt -.- haihhh then blom apa2 dh debut tros...ohh should know ..yg artis korea tu sbnrnya akan dilatih menari and vocal for a few years sblom dowunk boleh debut...and that is why their movement and all that perfect! nieh korang tyme debut punn ,korang punya movement x sama....halahaiiii...ini bukan bermaksud aq anti-artis malaysia...there some of them yg great...but skrg trlalu bnyk yg meniru artis get yourself an  identiti.

Monday, May 23, 2011

nabhan hannan

ermm haritu ...sbnrnya citer ni dh lama .tapi baru ingt nk,aq ada adik dlm umur lebih kurang 4 kecik lagi la tu kann..hmm dlm 2 3 minggu lepas dye ditahan kat pusat perubatan islam kampung bharu,, uhuhuhu ..puncanya pun sebab dye kene asma ..actually dlm family kitaorng mmg xde seorang pun yg ada asma but ttber je smpai kt dye ada alah ni. Anyway asma dye xdelah smpai tahap yg kira biasa2 jee r...dye kene tahan lebih kurang 3 4 hari..hmm kira lama jgk la tu kann..kesian dye boring dok skrg dye kene ambil inhaler dlm 4 kali sehari which nama 'ventolin' kalo x silap ada terselit gamba2 dye masa mula- mula smpai kt hospital

'laksa + diagnostik = free' ??

harini kitaorng bdk science stream baru habis exam ! so semua bdk2 klas buat party sniri2..ahahaha xley bla gila padahal baru habis diagnostik kowt ! ...tu blom SPM agy dh cmnie...apo2 jelahh..ahaha tak terkecuali aq~ yee r mana taknya examination weeks kitaorng lama gilaa kot...smpai 3 minggu ...haihh xtau lah pasal apa..yelah subjek mcm physics,chemi n bio tu smpai 3 paper..adedeii...haaa nak tau cmne cara aq celebrate?? ahahahaha cara ni mmg xley bla gila,fara bella,ida ngan bucu.. g beli laksa kt gedai makcik yg kt hujung simpang jaln tuu...pastu kitaorng makan sesama kat umah fara bella...aduduii..ntah apa jee kann...tapi laksa makcik tu mmg sedap gilaaa..:) slrrrrppp

Friday, May 20, 2011


typing error on FACEBOOK.

actually aq pun tak tau kenapa lately nie aq bnyk buat typing error..xtaulah kalo tngn aq atau keypad nieh yang vengong -,- tapi yang x bole bla nya error aq tuhh mcm nieh 'sumapah','rahat' and 'japa' notice sometink on it?? all that words trtambah huruf 'a' my god~ ntah apa2 ntah aq nieh...yang buat aq x puas hatinya si bebudak2 tuhh slalu perli2 aq even kt skola ! trutamanya minah dua ekor nieh 'AZNIDA DON' ddan 'FARA NABILLA' dowunk tuh kalo sehari x menutuk mesty x sah..haishishishi ..podahhh...=='

Thursday, May 19, 2011


cmnieh tadi aq ,ida,fara bella n bucu stayback kt skool mcm bese r enn..kitaorng buat study kalo bole tadi nk study physics utk exam esok..*ayat 'study' xleh blahh..padahal brgosip mcm makcik2 je lebihh..:> hahaha,..anyway lately nieh timbul spekulasi yg kononnya miss X nieh couple ngan mr Y kt class kitaorng.. so cam whAdeee...:O ...then kitaorng punya la curious gila beb!dats y la td masa stay kt skool kitaorng g solat dulu..alih2 jumpa plak mr Y nieh kt ida ttber jee nk tnya psl gosip dye ngan miss X. Mana taknya dh la tyme nk turun rehat td..mas ngan fara bella bole plak dgr yg miss X nieh ckp ''aq dh suruh mr Y belikan coklat'' perghh trkejut bhaii..mas smpai merah muka dye gelak2! hadodoi...okeahhh2 brbalik pada incident kt surau td...masa mr Y lalu depan kitaorng,,ida tnya 'btol ke kau nk bg hadiah coklat kt miss X'? thenn dye ckp'smpai mati pun aq tak kan kasi' PERGHH masa nieh aq ,fara bella ngan bucu mampu trgelak trbahak-bahak smpai nangis!!! adodoi ..dh tu pulak dye siap ckp 'kalo ko x caya ,ko g ambik al-quran then aq amik wuduk..sumpah'...FUYOOOO~ gila lahh siap cmtu agy..lepas je mrY blahh...kitaorng gelak smpai nk brguling-guling dlm surau ! tapi nasib dlm tu bole kawal suara..kalo x lagi gila la kitaorng..smpai menangis-nangis aq gelak...waduhhhhh...~~ ufufufu~*ayat ida

Monday, May 9, 2011


so kn0w lets talk b0ut fashi0n..<3 woot woot actually saya nieh bukan nyer tau punn serba serbi fashin nieh cuma sjk akhir2 nieh i likely nk try bnda2 baru.Maybe dh besar kann so minat nk pkai bj cantik2 n stylo tu mendalam..tapi last2 serebeh jee rasa ..hehehehe and anyway..disbbkan saya nieh brtudung so kadang2 mesty orng fikir gadis brtudung nieh x boleh nk lawan girls yg free hair...well saya bukan nk kutuk or what but pless everyone has her or his own beauty so learn to accept people as they are..okeahh brbalik pada citer asal..nowadaysfesyen for girls yg pakai shawl very up to date...there's alot of inspirati0n out my inspiration on wearing a shawl is HANA TAJIMA SIMPSON...well according to people saying that she was not a muslim then dye masuk islam and dye nk tutup kepala dye..yelahh as we know rmbut mrupakan aurat bg wanita islam..jadi bila dye balik dye cari apa2 jee kain utk purpose tuhh...and luckily her style accepted sbb tu dikira menutup aurat...start that tyme her style jadi ikutan bg girls yg pkai tudung..saya baru je kenal and tau psl dye this year..and i thought it was so lovely n mmg cunn habis dye punya know i am still learning mcm mana nk pakai and gayakan tudung mcm dye...:)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

old & new

The old st0ry !
The old st0ry haunted me!
The old st0ry never get rid of my mind !
the old st0ry is like a spell that curse me!
The old st0ry make me cry n confius!
The old story make me REMEMBERING you!
-You are my old st0ry Mr. 'Twinkle2 little star' -
uhh u was there for me...but its not enough..everything doesn't work out for both of us..its the facts that I'm hardly to accept at the beggining ...with so much tears ...NVM. I thought i never find a replacement..BUT I am totally wrong...EVERYTHING HAPPEN FOR A REASON. I am losing you because I am getting a nicer ones.He just know how to steal my heart.There he is MY PRINCE ...THE ONLY WORDS that i can describe u is that i just love you the way u are.Thank you my prince..u r the ones who successfully manage to get rid of all the old st0ry ! thank you sooo much...NO we shall starts THE NEW STORY ! -XOXO-  
~ its a story of MRS.NUNA~